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PRODUCTRONICA - Messe München 14. - 17. November 2017

PRODUCTRONICA - Messe München 14. - 17. November 2017

Productronica will take a place at the Munich Fair Ground from 14th November to the 17th November 2017. Productronica is the world's leading international trade fair for innovative electronics production. It is the only event of its kind that covers the complete range of current and forward-looking products, technologies and system solutions in their entire breadth and depth and along the entire value-added chain etc. in the Electronics & Electrical Goods industry.

Meet us and our supply partners

  • Electrolube - Hall A4 Booth 466 - Conformal Coating etc.
  • Hönle / Panacol - Hall A4 Booth 465 - UV curing & adhesives
  • DOW - Hall B3 Booth 305  - Chemicals for the Electronic Industrie
  • Alutec - Hall A3  Booth 405 - Robotic
  • NEVO - Hall A4 Booth 506 - Solder pastes
  • DCT - Hall A2 Booth 558 - Cleaning machines & fluids
  • OK International - Hall A2 Booth 135 - Fluid Dispensing & Fume Extraction

We will be pleased to meet you. Please don't hesitate to contact us!   

Markus Lechner
+43(0)664 201 3350       

Iain Ford
+43(0)664 536 2427


PRODUCTRONICA - Messe München 14. - 17. November 2017
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