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MOLYKOTE PAO grease G-1041 offers excellent corrosion protection

MOLYKOTE PAO grease G-1041 offers excellent corrosion protection


Proven performance: MOLYKOTE G-1041 Grease offers excellent corrosion protection

The application:
Copper contacts of motorcycle ignition locks.

During daily use, ignition locks are subject to corrosion, which forms surface compounds such as oxides, sulfates or sulfides. The customer’s existing grease was not of stable quality and could not meet the ASTM D4048 1A Copper Corrosion standard, which resulted in increased contact resistance.

The increased resistance affected the transfer of current or signals through the conductor, which led to warranty issues.

The solution:
A synthetic grease applied on the contact could help to both reduce wear resistance and prevent copper corrosion.

MOLYKOTE® G-1041 Grease, a multipurpose PAO grease, protected the copper contacts and addressed both the corrosion and the contact resistance.

For technical support please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you.

MOLYKOTE PAO grease G-1041 offers excellent corrosion protection

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