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New Thermally Conductive Encapsulant DOWSIL TC-6010

New Thermally Conductive Encapsulant DOWSIL TC-6010

DOW has launched its new Thermally Conductive Encapsulant DOWSIL TC-6010. DOWSIL TC 6010 Thermally Conductive Encapsulant is a two-component silicone elastomer material. It is designed especially for use in the manufacture of electrical and PCB system assembly products and modules. DOWSIL TC-6010 cures with heat to form elastic, thermally conductive rubber.

Target applications:
  • On-board charger(OBC) for EV
  • DC/DC converter for EV and FCEV
  • Inductor and Transformer for Solar Power Electronics
  • Switched Mode Power Supply(SMPS) for LED
  • Other electronic and electric parts for thermal management

Key benefits:
  • Lower viscosity for impregnation and its flowability
  • Less filler caking and easy re-homogenous
  • Thermal Conductivity ≤1.2 W/m∙K
  • UL 94 V-0 Flammability
  • Low volatile content (D4-D10) <100ppm (0.01%)

For further product details please visit:

For technical support please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you.

New Thermally Conductive Encapsulant DOWSIL TC-6010New Thermally Conductive Encapsulant DOWSIL TC-6010
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